Saturday, October 6, 2012

Nursery nesting despite pinterest disasters

So I've finally used up my last available vacation day before maternity leave. I used the day organizing the house and finishing up the nursery. And by organizing the house I mean sitting on my couch pinning ideas from Pinterest on good organizing ideas. It's the thought that counts. I did manage to complete the nursery. We went with a Winnie the Pooh theme. I've added photos below.

I tried a lot of DIY crafts from Pinterest for above the changing table. DISASTERS. I googled to see if there were blogs about Pinterest DIY fails and there are so many, it's clearly an epidemic, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. You will notice there is just a picture now hanging. I did manage to make the closet dividers which I think turned out pretty well! Also, in the picture of the shelf you will notice something I loathe...nicknacks. Ok, here's the agreement: I display the Lenox winnie the pooh my dad gave me at my shower as a one time exception to the rule. I've also agreed not to sell it at a garage sale and save it for the baby. All future nicknacks are headed right for the yard sale bin though. I give people an inch, they will take a mile and next thing you know I'll have some sort of display case to show off my "collections".

One of my mom's basement saves actually made it into the nursery! That winnie the pooh lamp was from my nursery as a child and it's pretty cool. So ok mom, you got me. One of the 500 items you have saved from my childhood I'm using. Still, statistically speaking, that's not really good odds.

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