Monday, August 27, 2012

When's the last time we went to Disney?

"Anyone who has ever cleaned out a closet
and taken stuff to Goodwill knows how liberating it is.
You feel lighter, your mind feels clearer."
Cecile Andrews (author and sustainability proponent)



The answer to the question in the title is 19 years. Yet I found 4 soap packets with Mickey's face on them from the hotel stay during that trip in this linen closet. In any case, progress was made! Ok, I could have easily done without half of the items that ended up back in the closet, but I'll take it :) I think my favorite part of cleaning the closet was when I hadn't cleaned the very bottom where the cleaning supplies are kept and my mom cleaned it out. Baby steps! Most of the items weren't even donate-able (at least to people, but pets will like the old towels) and a big chunk of trash was expired medicine and travel toiletries from hotels no one has been to in 10+ years and wouldn't even think of using to wash their hair or body. Anyway, the linen closet was cleaned 2 days ago an I'll be stopping back today to see if it's still in the same shape. Any bets on how many items I threw away/attempted to donate (true mom fashion, I wasn't allowed to throw it out or take it with me I can only assume that my parents followed through, but that reminds me I'll have to check the basement too) that made it back into the closet? I'm going with no less than 5.

Friday, August 24, 2012

I spy....

Mom will probably want to know how I got these pictures despite not being allowed down the basement but I have my ways. Not only did I get these images, but the first item has been retrieved and removed from the basement. It must be something very valuable to be the first item rescued, but you would be incorrect. Drum roll please....

It's a rain stick! I made it in second grade. It's crafted from the finest wrapping paper tube, full of rice and nails, covered in the finest linens, and sounds like rain when you fill it upside down. Rain stick you have been set free! I cannot say the same for the other items found in the images below...

 Also, fair warning for all family and friends...there is a high probability someone is finding this under the tree on Christmas morning with their name on it.

One of the 4 corners of the room. Not sure if they are stocking up on cat litter or if they are saving the containers from the cat litter...and honestly do not know which one is worse as they only have one cat :/ Anyway, I doubt this will get cleaned because like everything else in the basement these are likely not mom and dad's and storing of these item's are clearly the cat's doing as I also see a cat tunnel.

This appears to be the organized section under the stairs. It looks like a calendar on top and I can't help but wonder what year it is from.

Here we have a kinect toy in tact since approx. 1995. Which is good because every kid knows the fun part of playing with kinect is not building anything with the pieces. But what really catches my eye is the bed frame my sister is storing that is CLEARLY taking up the entire basement and should be added to the list of reason's why mom can't clean the basement.

Hopefully these images serve as BEFORE pictures at one point and I have actual after pictures to post one day. The wall color really makes everything pop and stand out. My brother picked the color as a kid since it made the room "look like night" (his exact words). No worries though, he has glasses now.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Looks like you can get rid of your bedroom furniture.

"Gifts (including those bequeathed) should be given unconditionally, giving the recipient the right to decide for himself or herself whether they want to keep the gift, return it to the shop it came from, re-gift it or simply give it to charity. It is the act of giving that is important here."

Hey remember that game we probably all played as kids? When we would visit our grandmom wearing something totally hideous, but our mom said we *had* to wear it because grandmom got it for us and we couldn't hurt her feelings...That was probably all of our first encounters with keeping gifts and being forced to use gifts we didn't want or like. So mom, be VERY suspicious if everytime you see you grandkids they are only ever wearing clothing that you purchased while I make it a point to tell you how cute they look in said outfit. It means the cycle is repeating iteself for yet another generation.

Yet, most people grow out of this stage (maybe when their mom stops forcing them?). For example, I'm not a knick knack person/displayer so while the collection of snow bunnies I have received is cute, I don't feel the need to display them all over my house just because grandmom bought them and visits occassionally. And when grandmom wonders where they are I have no trouble letting her know they are in a box in the attic. I've since stopped getting snow bunnies as gifts. (which is a win/win really, I don't have to store them and grandmom doesn't waste money). Anyway, I doubt anyones intent when giving a gift is to force the receiver to use/display/idolize the gift for life. That's not realistic. Otherwise I would be surrounded by beanie babies every where I went, the streets would be littered with them! The horror!! The truth is people grow out of things, their tastes change, their space/decor changes, and it's perfectly acceptable to get rid of gifts without feeling bad that the gift giver is going to come looking for it and quiz you down to see if you still have it.

In any case, this picture on the left is what I'm thinking of getting mom for her next gift. It would look great on her mantel for the next 25 years at least. And I would definately make a point to ask about its whereabouts at every visit.

Saving Kids Artwork - Ways to Display Kids Artwork -

Saving Kids Artwork - Ways to Display Kids Artwork -

Came across this article and thought it was worth sharing since I'm not a "saver"... I don't plan on saving all my kids artwork <<gasp>>...but if I ever regret that someday I'm sure my mom will have some stacks stored in her basement ;) I'm more of the opinion from the quote in the article “When everything is precious, nothing is precious." However, I'm not oppossed to finding usefull ways to display or actually use items instead of throwing everything out. In fact, I'm liking the idea of using artwork as gift wrap, especially for gifts to my mom. I'm 99% sure that this would eliminate her ability to save the art but I've seen her save wrapping paper before so there's still a 1% chance.

Note to mom: That rainstick in the basement from 2nd grade isn't even art! I'm coming for it!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

1 box down, 4789 to go

So on this past Saturday I was all set to go clean mom's basement. Or at least get some pictures for my blog. Neither happened. Refer to post listing reasons why she can't clean the basement and insert any of those. Also, since starting this blog I'm pretty sure I will never be allowed to be in my parents house alone anymore :/ I did however stop by during the week where I saw a lone box containing misc. items in the hallway that I was allowed to take with me to donate containing valuables such as a plastic container and a child's toy construction hat. My brother is 19 so I want to know how much use the construction hat has been getting in the past 15 years, but I guess this will be one of life's unanswered questions.
Cleaning ninja (not actual picture of mom)

If my mom is reading this, kudos on your ninja stealth abilities to quietly remove the box of rugrats toys I had placed with my stuff. Don't think I didn't notice that you hid them so I couldn't take them with me in the donate box.

I was also able to go through some dresses that my mom saved from when I was a baby to see what I would like for my future child if it's a girl. My baby will be a vintage fashionista come summer time assuming the Chinese gender predictor is wrong, as it currently predicts a boy. For the clothes I didn't pick, if I had a yard sale the Amish community would go nuts, but my mom decided to keep the dresses to "give to someone else" which really means "keep forever."