Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Holiday Organization and Money Saving Tips!

The holidays are coming! That means pulling all the decorations out of the attic or basement and finding corners and surfaces to shove them in...I mean "display them". I've put together my list to help you make it look organized this year and save some money.

Instead of just a wreath hanger, or command hooks, try a magnetic holder. This way you won't see the metal piece hanging over the door, the wreath will just look like it's floating in the middle of your door. I used one of these on my door and another on a window. It looked really nice and we didn't have to deal with pulling the command strips off after. Extra bonus, we can re use these (unlike buying new command strips) and they store easily (unlike a wreath hanger).

Next onto a huge pet peeve in my house, wrapping paper. My husband hates all the trash and recycling that comes after Christmas. I hear him cursing as he tries to stuff it all into the recycling bin. Why not save the money spent on them, and the hassle, by just leaving sacks from Santa this year? You can even personalize them with each family members name. If your kids still love to open gifts, or, maybe like in my house, Santa doesn't even wrap his gifts...this is a great idea for adult family members. I shoved all my husbands gifts in one last year and it was a hit. This version on Amazon is only $9.98 and you can write your child's name on it, or take it and have it monogrammed. I love that this eliminates storing rolls of wrapping paper all year as well.

The other thing that I take out each year is my stack of boxes and tins for Christmas cookies and treats. No matter how hard I try to give them out filled, I end up getting ones as gifts as well and the cycle continues. I realize that I can't complain too much because I'm giving them out as let's all end the cycle and use something disposable. For $9.99 you can get 12 disposable containers. Great to bring to the cookie exchanges, and throw some ribbon around it and give as a gift.

The final thing that is so important around the holidays, is how to store the wine ;) People stop by unannounced because they are visiting family near by, people are bringing it as gifts, you need to have it on hand and have somewhere to store it. I like this holder because you can put it on the floor or a table, and you can store it away if for some reason you won't be needing it after the holiday season. We host Thanksgiving and it's cheaper to buy 6 bottles of wine (we get 15% off at our local store) but then we are like where do we put it all? We also want guests to be able to see it and help themselves to the kind they wish to drink.

Add your ideas in the comments of some storage options for during the holidays!

*some links may be affiliate links. All prices were current at time of posting. 

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