How dare you?! She's a nice lady!
So as you can see I've started a blog. (Pronounced blog for you newbies). Let's start with some background information first. My parents visited me this past weekend bringing items from my childhood nursery to me that I wanted to use in the nursery I am setting up for their first grandchild. I had decided to go with a Winnie the Pooh theme and since my mom is what I'll term a "saver" she conviently had all the Pooh nursery decor from my nursery 27 years ago.
My house is very neat. I've been nesting and I've organized and cleaned my entire house. I'm out of things to clean. Then, here my mom is with all this old stuff and it hit me, clean mom's basement. Win-win, I feed my nesting addiction and my mom gets her basement cleaned out. Only my mom really likes her stuff....
I think my mom spent 2 hours telling us why she needed everything in her basement. Or why someone else would need it. But they can't have it because 1) it's in my mom's basement 2) they don't know it's there 3) she won't give it to them anyway.
What qualifies me you ask to clean out my mom's basement? Well first of all, I've already done it approx. 25 times (conservative estimate). I have also been a proud basement owner for the last 3 years and I don't have anything in my basement. I repeat - there is nothing in my basement. How can this be??? Well I'm not a saver I'm a thrower-outer.
So here is my blog where I will chronicle my journey of trying to clean my mom's basement. For part of my "grand opening" if you will, I have decided on a giveaway.
"This is a used childrens book in acceptable condition" you may say to yourself. Oh, it's not just any book. See, over the weekend my mom brought me a stack of Dr. Seuss book's she's been saving (which she wants back when I'm done). In the pile there was a duplicate! So mom if you are reading this I'm sorry but you are not getting it back. It's not going back in the basement. I'm taking a stand. First person to comment WHO IS NOT MOM gets the book!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Usless items worth noting found in mom's basement
Below are a list of items found in mom's basement that can clearly go:
- her prom dress
- approx. 275 boxes of Christmas decorations
- Baby clothes (worth noting: has not had a baby in 19 years)
- Children's games (worth noting: no children live here)
- Books (worth noting: mom can't read. I kid!)
- Bridesmaid dresses from several 1970s weddings
- Old license plates
Reasons mom can't clean the basement
List of reasons' why my mom cannot clean out her basement.
- It's your stuff
- It's Jess's stuff
- It's Joe's stuff
- It's dad's stuff
- Joe's not home
- I'm having people over
- I'd rather go to the pool
- You won't get here early enough to clean
- I don't want you to stay too late cleaning
- I already cleaned it
- There stuff in front of stuff so I can't get to all the stuff
- I'm drying my hair and can't talk about this now
- I'm saving this for someone
- I'm saving this for your future kids
- I'm saving this for Joe's future kids (skipped over Jess so she has extra time to not give up stuff)
- I'm donating this to someone
- Someone else will want this stuff
Have you seen us?
1) The bedset from her bedroom as a child. Last seen at my uncles house around 1990, but when he was done using it the set was donated. Probably since my mom had no spare bedrooms or need for the furniture. Anyway, if you've seen it please notify me ASAP! See artists rendition in photo.
2) Halloween costumes my brother wore from approx. 1994-1997. Possible get ups along the lines as cow, fireman, ninja, etc. size infant to 4T.
3) She wants back all the Dr. Seuss books she just gave me when I'm done. I am NOT to pass them on directly to my sister or brother, they must go through her.